Linking business on map with their websites

It would be quite nice if app linked icons of business on world map to some possibility to start interaction with them.

At this point I need to remember the name and then find it somewhere else. As every business have spaces in it, it is hard to convert it to url of a browser and look directly.

Also when I look into business directory it seems that filter is not working for me. And there is a lot more businesses than those on the first page.

Also TBH I would like to have opportunity to link to business from every instance of their name shown anywhere in the app. Sometimes you even have it like that but not too often.

Thank you very much,

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Yeah, we are with you on this. It’s on our list to add more links to the company websites. We also want to look into making the website a popup window so you don’t have to navigate away from where you are (same with messaging).

The BUSINESS DIRECTORY is broken and we want to fix it very soon because it would at least make it possible to find all businesses and link to their websites.