Inappropriate Advertisement

Since you are part of the Government, I have a complaint to file. There is a inappropriate ad on the right sidebar created by NK Holdings. I request that you warn this player and tell him/her to not show any pictures like the one that has been consistent for many hours. I feel like this ad is taking away from the business experience and that it should removed. I thank you for your time.

Signed, Smart Tech

Thank you for this comment, we will look into it.

Is this the ad in question?


LOL - admin, tell yourself off…

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Yes, that is it. (Please pardon my departure.)

Yes. @GVW_Admin. The logo is a skelecton in red. I don’t like it either. Please also look into this one as well.

This pciture. JD’s about section. I don’t agree that language should be allowed. IS there a word blocker in place to block this?

In JD’s about page

I’m pretty sure having fun at no ones expense is like half the point of a game…

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@GVW_Admin @GoVenture @MathewGeorghiou Please take that down, I don’t the age range of people who play this game, I don’t think that is apporiate language or pictures to display as a logo. Please take it down.


Skeleton dancing? that is acceptable and quite humorous. Image from an old cartoon?


Youre Over Reacting Honestly