Dividend Payment Only Paying 1/5th of Total Dividend

I tried to give shareholders a Dividend Payment today, actually several, and the Payments only seem to be 1/5th of the Total Payment I send out. Screenshots Below.

As you can see, I start with g13,227,545.
I made a g10 Dividend Payment to 960,000 shareholders (total of g9,600,000).
My Cash Balance afterwards is g11,307,545.
The difference of the start value and end value is g1,920,000.
g1,920,000 is only 1/5th of g9,600,000.

Not sure exactly how that happened? I did try to pay some g5 dividends, but my cash wasn’t decreasing. You can see that today I paid g60 to 960,000 Shareholders in the screenshots as well.

I think I was clicking off on a different link to refresh and didn’t allow the ‘Make Payment’ button to be Enabled again.

When I allowed the ‘Make Payment’ to turn back to orange (enabled), from grey (disabled), my cash would be deducted but only 1/5th of the actual payment I was trying to make.

Also to note: g60 x 960,000 = g57,600,000… I only had like g25,000,000 today before I started playing around with this today.

Thank you for reporting this. We will investigate this.