Problem shipping orders - "not enough inventory to fill this order"

Hello, I currently have an order for 700 units of pharma product that I sold on the Open Market. I have 2,980 inventory ready to ship and 601 inventory reserved. However, when I try to fulfill the purchase order and ship the product, I receive a message from the VP of Products stating: “Not enough inventory to fill this order”. I am unsure why I receive this message and would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you for reporting this. We are looking into this bug now.

The Dev’s fixed this, but there may be an accounting discrepancy.

I’m having this issue as well with my automotive manufacturing company.

The Dev’s fixed this, but there may be an accounting discrepancy.

So it was fixed for the order I commented about yesterday but now I’m having trouble with a new order I received. The same problem is occurring. This is only happening for open market orders, not direct sales.

We have addressed this, and to verify that it worked we also made sure the order was shipped.

Thank you. It also still says I have 3 reserved products listed on the open market even though I don’t have any listings on the open market.