Not receiving payment

I have been shipping products to my retailers, but have not received any money from the past two transactions, even though I receive the message saying that they have paid me in full.

Please help, as this has cost me g2.066 million in the last day.

UPDATE: it looks like the payments I never received have somehow turned into a line of credit??
I have never opened a line of credit. I have also never run out of money, so I don’t understand why this has occurred.

We looked at this and the LOC was issued to cover expenses you could not, like income taxes, etc. LOC are paid off automatically as you receive revenue.

I am having this same problem but when I checked my balance sheet, no LOC is issued.

We are investigating, we see the funds was received in accounting records, but it will take time for us to make sure the books are balanced and find where the funds went.

We have investigated and did not find any issues. However we will keep watching for this type of behavior and any issues.

I have lost alot of money because of this issue. Is there anyway I can get my money back.