Glitch in unit costing after move of business

So coz we’re now getting a reflection of real costs, I thought I should relocate manufacturing from Qatar to Egypt. So base cost is now 15k per unit plus R&D max = 7.5k plus Mfg quality = 7.5k - should be around 30k right? still says 40k as a total.

I tried switch off all R&D and Quality and it went down to 15k - good. Switched them back on and the total went back to 40k which reflects the station cost in Qatar of 2.5k per station - not the Egyptian station cost of 1.5k per.

Also - that new red banner promoting changed mfg cost just keeps coming back - very annoying as it covers up search screen and other scrolling info

Thank you for raising this issue, we have investigated the issue and realized that we need force your business settings to update during a move, to fix one of the issues.

I tried switch off all R&D and Quality and it went down to 15k - good. Switched them back on and the total went back to 40k which reflects the station cost in Qatar of 2.5k per station - not the Egyptian station cost of 1.5k per.

Did you have a production run going? Did you try starting one?
The bottom cost shows for the values for the production run, so there could be a brief discrepancy, we are looking at changing the behavior.

The station costs are corrected to 1.5 each and adding correctly, but the fixed cost of 15.1k per unit is too high for Egypt I think. Certainly the other centres are only costing 6k ish…