Accidentally accept an offer from a seller

I accidentally accepted an offer to buy cars from a manufacturer. The reason is I was on my phone and it was glitching and lagging thus I didn’t know I have accidentally click “accept” while looking at the offer.

I told the seller that I accidentally clicked it. I haven’t heard a reply from seller yet.


@chuanmedia, That happens, sorry that your mobile experience was glitchy. You should wait to hear from the MFG business first. What will have to happen is, you need to wait until the order completion date has lapsed, then the “cancel order” button will appear in the purchase order. Once this is visible, simply cancel the order. Please keep us in the loop throughout this process.

thanks it turn out fine,as the MFG understood when I explain it to him

@chuanmedia, good to hear this and good honest play is alive and well. Thank you for the update.